St. Charles Catholic Church 990 Saturn Boulevard San Diego CA 92154 (619)423-0242
Register as a Parishioner
How to Register as a New Parishioner at St. Charles
To register at St. Charles, a Parish Registration Form needs to be completed. The form is available below. Please submit your completed Registration Form to the Parish Office or you can email the form to:, or place in the drop box at the Parish Office. You may also deposit it in the Collection Box in the Church. Thank you!
**Important Note: You cannot save data typed into this form, so you will need to print your completed form to turn it in to the Parish Office.**
When you complete the registration form and return it to the office, the information will be put into our system. Once activated, you will begin receiving offertory envelopes in the mail.
To sign up for Email News Updates from St. Charles, please click here.
Already Registered, but need to update your information?
If you are already registered as a parishioner at St. Charles, but need to make an update to your address, phone number or email address, please click here to fill out an Update Contact Form.